TD Browse – eye-gaze browser

Finalist category: Independent Living Award

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Finalist, Independent Living Award, 2023

TD Browse deviceTD Browse is a custom-built app for browsing the web with just your eyes in a familiar way, even without previous eye tracking experience. It is designed for people who cannot use their hands to browse the internet due to conditions such as Muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, Rett syndrome, spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury. Scroll, surf and click in an intuitive way and switch naturally between these functions. Hit large and small targets with precision using colour links. Move left, right, up and down. Quickly recall preferred websites from your browsing history.

TD Browse enables students of all ages to access everything the internet has to offer through a custom built browser in the same way that users of well known browsers such as Chrome, Safari and Edge do. From watching videos, researching papers and controlling web versions of Office or Google docs, students can do it all on TD Browse just using their eyes.

It is a solution made for people with disabilities, developed alongside people with disabilities. Where other solutions modify existing solutions, often with various compromises, TD Browse is a ‘ground up’ browser made specifically for people with disabilities would can and could use eye gaze.

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