AI powered Covid response by the Sepsis Trust & Accenture

Finalist category: AI For Good

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AI for Good, Finalist, 2021

Male doctor in scrubs“Sepsis Trust is a UK Charity that provides mental health support to survivors of Sepsis (“blood poisoning”).  Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to infection causes injury to tissues and organs.  People with sepsis comprise a high risk group for contracting COVID-19 and when the pandemic hit, we at the Sepsis Trust committed to expanding Support Nurse services to those affected. 

There was a need for novel non-contact solutions for Support Nurse services, and with increases in call volumes and complexity, we worked with Accenture to plan and implement an AI-powered prioritisation engine to digitise and automate the process and free up the clinical team to focus on providing support.  

The team worked overtime to deliver a fully built and tested solution with the governance, operability, and security considerations of any standard customer engagement. The solution – provided pro bono –analyses audio transcripts from patients, identifies key words and sentiment (e.g. distress) and intelligently prioritises support requests based on clinical rules. The Nurses use a real-time dashboard which helps them to intelligently plan calls to patients. What was astonishing was Accenture’s ability to deliver a turnkey solution in 10 short weeks. 

Funding challenges presented by COVID-19 meant the Sepsis Trust had to scale back the call centre to office hours-only support, whilst users continue to have 24/7 support needs. The new technology solution has meant that in spite of recently closing the centre, we now have the ability to continue to not only operate this much-needed service in a post-COVID era, but also to scale it up and deliver it more effectively and efficiently. It continues to support user needs ranging from information provision through to battling depression, suicide, bereavement, or loss of limbs or cognitive function.  We – and those we serve – would not be in this position without the Tech4Good services offered by Accenture.” 

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