Drake Music Scotland

Finalist category: AbilityNet Accessibility Award


Finalist, 2016

Drake Music Scotland use digital technology to make it possible for people with disabilities of all ages and abilities to play, learn, compose and perform music.

Using a combination of movement sensors, touch-sensitive surfaces, tactile instruments, and a wide variety of music apps including their own Figurenotes software Drake Music Scotland provide the best means of controlling musical sounds for participants.

Musician performing as part of Drake Music Scotland performance

Participants are supported to develop musical and creative skills, study music and music technology, and follow a career in the industry.   The public are helped to understand that disabled people can be musicians too and contribute to musical and cultural life at all levels, from their local school or community to performing at national events – and even join Drake Music Scotland’s flagship ensemble the Digital Orchestra!

Finalists for the AbilityNet Accessibility Award, Drake Music Scotland develop the brightest talent in the disabled community, making venues accessible and promote the cause of inclusive music and accessibility of the arts. Visit the Drake Music Scotland website for more information. To find out who won the Accessibility Award, visit the Winners 2016 page.

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The Tech4Good Awards are organised by AbilityNet and Attendable and supported by a range of partners and sponsors.

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